Hi all,
Reflecting on the discussions that took place in last week’s workgroup, there are some key decisions we think need to be made (ideally sooner rather than later) in order to progress with the HSDS 3.0 release.
Decision 1 - What is the minimally viable set of endpoints required by our API specifications?
At the last meeting there seemed to be a level of agreement that either of the following would be accepted as minimally viable:
A /service endpoint that contains a paginated list of full services defined by service json schema.
A /service endpoint that contains a paginated list of limited service fields example AND a /service/{id} endpoint which contains a single full service defined by service json schema (this is what OpenReferral UK currently do)
This differs from Mike’s proposal which enforces the use of point 2 only and also the inclusion of:
- taxonomy_term - with the optional parameter of “taxonomy_id”
- taxonomy_term/{id}
- taxonomies
- taxonomies/{id} - renamed from vocabularies in version 1
A decision needs to be made as to whether we accept Mike’s proposal in full? Or whether an alternative needs to be explored?
Decision 2 - What format(s) – i.e. API vs datapackage – should be required for representation? And, should there be tiers of compliance?
We’ve discussed this question already at length, and have come close to reaching provisional consensus that .json/API endpoints would be a requirement, with datapackage as a ‘compatible’ option.
However, at the last meeting (prompted by concerns around data quality), the group discussed taking a stronger stance on the use of API over Datapackage. Inevitably, this resulted in concerns regarding the impact this would have on smaller publishers.
Before committing to the above proposal, we want to get clearer on our stance on the minimally required API endpoints.
So, key decisions to made are:
a/ Will we accept the use of Data Package as HSDS compliant?
b/ Do we want to introduce ‘levels’ of compliance? If so, what terminology should we use? i.e. Compatible/Compliant, Full/Partial/Non-compliance, etc?
c/ Do we need to consider the use of tooling to support those using data packages? Please note: Cost and complexity of the tooling required differ depending on decision 1.
Decision 3 - Should /service and/or /organization be required as a top-level entity?
This has been discussed at meetings and there has also been some dialogue within the comments of the HSDS 3.0 Schema document.
There is a level of consensus around having service as the top-level entity, especially among application developers who organize their tools around the delivery of services. There is, however, some concern about prioritizing /service over /organization since the latter is legally determinable and the former is editorially subjective.
There now needs to be a decision as to whether those using organization as the top-level object (i.e. an ‘/organisation’ endpoint) instead of service will be deemed compliant?
Related threads for reference:
We would really appreciate your views on these areas. Please share them in the comments section or at the next workgroup meetings for those who attend.