Where to find/download the standard

By email someone has asked “where to download/view the standard”, so this might help.

From our main website, go to For developers. From there, the Data standard | Guidance page shows the data structure as a diagram and in text form. There’s a lot in it, but very little is mandated.

The API | Guidance page describes the Application Programming Interface and links to Swagger content which describes each web method.

The most important web methods are the GET methods for services, particularly:

  • /services - returning a paginated list of services
  • /services/{id} - returning full details of one identified services

The API Query tool shows examples of these calls with live API endpoints (plus calls to return vocabularies/taxonomies and their terms which can be used to filter a list of services).

Do ask here if you need any help implementing or using the standard.

Hi @MikeThacker - thanks for posting this. We’re looking to implement the standard in the LocalGov Drupal directories. Would be good if we could catch up about this.

Hello @RyanFalcon-Hay it’s really good to hear from you. I’ve been looking forward to seeing Open Referral UK implemented by LocalGov Drupal. Send me a message with possible times and we can arrange an online meeting.

@MikeThacker thanks for your help with this. Can you do this Friday at 3.30pm?

Yes. I’ve messaged my email address so you can send a meeting link.