Enhancements to OR UK - Proposal to enhance Schedule

Enhancements to OR UK - Proposal to enhance Schedule

A service can have many schedules (sessions), however attending_type (whether it is online or telephone or home visit or at a venue) is at the service level. This really needs to be at the schedule level so that we can have an app and a telephone and a venue service and even a home visit. We can then control whether it is available through the start and end date. This is/would have been really useful in Covid times. At the moment we have to create a new service for each of these access types.

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The attending_access should also be aligned to a schedule (session) as it is likely that a telephone or venue session could be a drop in service and an online and home visit session might need to be booked.

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Thanks Ian. I’ll flag these for consideration in the next version review.

@MikeThacker Where are these candidate proposals recorded? Is there a way to see what has been proposed, agreed and planned etc. This might already exist, just not sure where to look.

Marcus, we don’t have a solid way of doing this. Historically we have used tagged GitHub issues, but for now I’m just applying the tags datastructure and api to posts which impact on the standard for each of these.

If you can’t find a desired change under those links, do add new posts - one thread per change ideally.

I hope the next version upgrade will be done in tandem with the US people to move to a single standard. We’ll agree with them a consistent way of identifying change requests. They’re keen to use this forum more themselves.

ok thanks, be good to keep abreast of proposed and confirmed changes as we move towards an international standard. Happy to use this forum and or Github.

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