Hi folks – I’m excited to invite you to participate in a convening of stakeholders across the Open Referral network. We’d like to take time (probably across two days, maybe 3-4 hours each) to get in a (virtual) room together, learn from each other, and set the course for the next chapter of Open Referral’s development.
We’re looking at the back half of March (sometime between the 14th and 25th) because that’s a gap between our respective Daylight Savings Time windows, making it that much easier for us to have Pacific coast folks in the US and GMT folks in the UK in the same room. Here’s a schedule survey where you can indicate your interest and availability: https://doodle.com/poll/kx95sesbb69x3stm
We’re considering an agenda that could range from strategic (how can resource directory information management be made more reliable and effective?) to technical (how should our standards evolve to support implementation?) to meta (how can we coordinate our activities across a growing network). We want this agenda to be shaped by your input, so I’d welcome any suggestions you might have.
I’ll be in touch again soon with updates as they develop! Let me know if you have any questions or interest in getting involved