Open Referral 2023 Network Summit: September 20-21st

It’s been almost 18 months since we convened our 2022 network summit, and I’m proud to say that we’ve accomplished many of the things that we envisioned together then. So it’s time to get ready for our next Summit! I’m super excited to come back to the table with y’all to map out our next chapter.

We’ve put calendar holds on a couple of dates in September – the 20th and 21st, from 11a-3p Eastern. We hope this window enables participation from Pacific to UK time zones.

These will be highly participatory engagements that maximize our ability to learn from each others’ experiences and explore potential strategic paths forward. I know it’s a lot of time to ask for, but we hope that attendees can participate for all of both days. In exchange, I can assure you that we will spend absolutely none of that time sitting through powerpoint presentations :wink:

We’ll shape the agenda in dialogue with those who RSVP – ensuring that you have a say in determining what we discuss. That said, we can anticipate the following broad topics:

  • Technical priorities for future development of the standard and associated tools
  • Implementation challenges and strategies
  • Sustainability models for resource data management
  • Growing and supporting this community

Please let me know if you’ll be interested in joining us, and if you have topics that you think deserve some time and space in this convening. Stay tuned here for updates on the agenda and relevant logistics.

Thank you for all of your work!


I wonder if there’s something on barriers to getting people to open their data and means of addressing that. I have some experience in that area but would like to hear from others internationally if you think there are people who have something to contribute from which we can all learn.

Thanks Mike! I’ve put this in my notes under an emerging theme of “implementation strategy,” let me know if that sounds right.

Meanwhile, eager to hear from others – would you like to attend, and do you have suggestions for the agenda?

This sounds great Greg! I’d love to hear more about strategy and business models but can only attend day 2 at this point. Can’t wait to learn more with y’all :grinning:

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Thanks, Sarah! Great to have you join us here :smiley:

For the most part i’m going to encourage people to try to make the commitment for both days so that we can really get the benefit of sharing time together in discussion on difficult topics. But I know that’s not always going to be possible, so it may be fine to accommodate some folks who can only come for one day. We’ll be in touch to ensure that you can still make the most of it.

Hi folks – we’re a couple of weeks out from the network summit and I’m getting excited.

Folks who have RSVPd will hear from us shortly as we elicit your input for the agenda.

If you are interested in participating but have not yet reached out and/or received an invitation, please let me know ASAP!

I’m also asking around to see if we might be able to start an hour earlier, which would be better for the UK folks (so it would end around 7p not 8p their time) but harder for West Coast folks (as it would be 7a their time not 8a). Let me know if you have opinions about whether an hour earlier would be better or worse for you.


Hi there! I’m planning to join and looking forward to it.

Welcome, @steffi – great to hear you’ll be able to join us :slight_smile:

I just sent out calendar invitation edits – suggesting new times an hour earlier each day, to see whether this works better for UK folks and at least not worse for everyone else. Let me know if the new time presents problems for you.

Everyone who has RSVPd should have received a message introducing you to our facilitator; let me know if you have not yet!

I just now (finally) signed on here… We are in the middle of a particularly vexing migration so I likely can’t join the summit conversations, but if you could add me just in case, that would be great, @bloom ! Thanks.
Jen :slight_smile:

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Hello - I’d like to join, although I can only really do the Thursday sessions. Can someone please forward me the invites?



Hi @dickienorris – Welcome! Thanks for your interest!

Let’s connect to discuss – can you send me a direct message or an email?

Hiya - best email is

Hi, would it be possible to get an invite for the summit, I’ve very recently joined the network and we are developing some tools that would benefit hugely from Open Referal compliance

Hi there @Chrissyboo1 – welcome! just saw this, I am so sorry it came too late! I’d be glad to connect 1:1 and discuss how we can be helpful to you all. (Feel free to book some time on my calendar, if you need some slots earlier in the day let me know.)

And we’ll have some synthesized summaries from the summit coming here soon.

A big thanks to everyone who joined us last month for the summit! We had focused discussions on a broad array of topics–and so far the feedback has been super positive.

With a great amount of help from participants and volunteer facilitators, we have corralled notes from all sessions and synthesized summaries from all of Day 2’s strategic breakouts into this document here. Folks who attended, please continue to offer input to these notes and/or takeaways from it, either there in the document or here in the thread or to me privately.

For those who wanted to attend but couldn’t make it, I hope you’ll have a chance to get a sense of what we discussed – and please feel free to ask for any clarifications or elaborations on anything you see in the notes.

This session gave us a sense of a set of priorities for the year ahead. Among them, I’m going to offer to hold a space on alternating schedule from our technical standup, where we can talk about meta issues pertaining to the Open Referral community. If you would like to participate in those conversations, please let me know!


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