Standing Monthly Technical Meetings

Hi all,

Starting next week, we will be holding a standing monthly meetings for technical matters.

These meetings differ from the workgroup that formed to steer the 3.0 upgrade. They are open to broader participation across the community and will cover ongoing and emerging technical matters such as tooling, profiles, minor schema upgrades etc.

I’ve created a Doodle poll to map availability for the August Meeting - Doodle

As explained in the description, your responses will be used to firm up the day/time of a recurrent monthly meeting.

However, if your August availability is not indicative of your ongoing availability and you plan to be a regular participant, please shoot me an email with the dates/times that you’ll most reliably be able to attend for subsequent meetings -

Responses will be reviewed, date/time finalised and invites sent out on at end of the week.



The agenda for next weeks meeting is shaping up as follows:

  • Update on the ORUK profile

  • Update on profiling mechanism documentation

  • Proposed approach to supporting profile creation

  • Mikes Validator specification

  • Ideas for agenda items for the open referral summit taking place 20th/21st September (more info to come on this in the coming weeks)

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Hi all,

Just to confirm, standing technical meetings will take place on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 16:00 BST (GMT + 1) / 09:00 PST / 12:00 EST.

The next one will take place on the 13th Sept.

If anyone who is on not already on our distribution list would like to be sent an invite, please let me know here, or via email at



Hi folks – we’ll have our monthly standing technical meeting this week on Wednesday 9/13, 11am.

If you’d like to attend but don’t have it on your calendar, please let me know and I’ll get you an invite.

This month we have a few things to pick up on from last month, and we’ll want to spend some time setting the agenda for technical discussions during the upcoming Network Summit.

Here’s the set of possible topics, bringing several forth from previous meetings’ parking lots. (See running notes here.)

Prospective agenda:

  • (Matt) Update on profile documentation and profile tooling - Forum Post
  • (Mike?) Update on ORUK profile
  • (Devin?) Talking taxonomy
  • (Skyler?) Schedule table issues from 211
  • Summit Agenda discussion

Anything else to include? If your name is here – anything to share in advance? let us know – thanks!


Archiving these old monthly technical meeting threads as we’ll use this one for these meetings moving forward