Can I ask how changes to the UK application profile are going to be managed?
Are we posting to github or discussing as a community here?
How will the ORUK be governed?
During the May to July 2021 period following the enhanced Open Referral UK site going live we’re evaluating how support works and what longer-term arrangements should be in place, so nothing is definite yet.
Feedback from some people in the USA, including @devin is that they’d like to see Open Referral adopting many (possibly all) of the extensions brought in for the UK. Support and sharing of tools would be easier if the standards were the same.
In that scenario, we’d still need one or more UK application profiles identifying the parts relevant to the UK and parts we don’t think need to be implemented here.
For now, the UK Github issues or the technical forum here can be used to log suggested changes.
We’ll tag relevant points here and in Github and collate them for consideration by experts, such as Open Data Services who managed the international version 2 release, when consulting on and making the next version change.
Wider governance for the UK is likely to be by a cross-sector committee or board. Again there may be things we can learn from and/or share with the USA. More discussion on that will follow.