There are three sections that I expect will need to be developed from scratch for this to be ‘minimally viable’:
Decision-making process
How members join, leave, or are removed
I think a significant amount of the ‘decision-making process’ has been hashed out and just needs to be put in here, although there may be other kinds of decisions not yet accounted for that should be.
I’ll check with @devin but if anyone else has suggestions for minimally-viable starting points for the other two bullets, let us know.
Hi folks – I have worked through notes from our last conversation about the charter to flesh out proposed sections for Meetings and Decision-Making. See this document here.
There are still some open questions about membership, leadership, subcommittees, and dissolution – all on Page 3. We can spend a bit of time at the meeting working discussing these; depending on how that goes, we may then be able to submit a complete draft for approval.
Please review and offer any proposed changes or suggested issues to discuss in advance of our next meeting (Aug 14th). Thanks!
Also added an introductory section to describe the document.
This may be all we need for now, so please find time to review and offer any other issues between now and our next Technical Committee meeting. If we don’t receive any significant feedback before that meeting, I’ll expect we’ll just do a final review and approval then.
What’s the status (sorry I missed the first part of today’s meeting)? I’m not sure if we really need a poll with five people in the committee, but it might be easy enough to just create a new one. One way or another, let’s get this done.
Apologies! For the link issue and also missing the opportunity to get get verbal sign off at the meeting this week.
The link is now correct and poll deadline has been extended way into December so it can be used if people are willing/able.
As its setup, working and 5 clicks away from getting the job done I don’t see why we can’t use it this time around - but agree this is a bit heavy handed for decision making going forward.