Have you involved any social prescribing software prescribers in the work to date?
This question was asking during our Open Referral UK launch event in June 2021.
Have you involved any social prescribing software prescribers in the work to date?
This question was asking during our Open Referral UK launch event in June 2021.
We’ve been speaking with an NHS team looking at standards for social prescribing. They issued a draft Health Systems Support Framework (HSSF) for commissioning social prescribing software quoting Open Referral UK as a recommended or required standard. I understand that social prescribing software providers were asked to comment on the draft. We expect the formal official framework to be issued in a few weeks.
I’ve had communication with people from the companies Elemental and Simply Connect.
@Ian-DigitalGaps specialises in helping councils and ICS’s implement Open Referral UK. I believe he has communicated with a wider range of social prescribing software providers.
Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS consulted with all applications in use in their area in the referral space.
We worked with CompasseHub and Elemental. CompasseHub were enhancing their UI to align with OR and providing an API to publish their data.
Elemental were implementing an OR API call to search for local services. They were also looking into Open Active. There is an event to see their progress here Physical Activity Referrals - London Sport
Lancs and South Cumbria co-produced a simple Service Finder with Social Prescriber Link workers and other frontline workers. Healthier Products (digitalcoproduction.co.uk)