What support is available to small voluntary sector groups - many whom have no funding, or expertise - to do this sort of work?
This question was asking during our Open Referral UK launch event in June 2021.
What support is available to small voluntary sector groups - many whom have no funding, or expertise - to do this sort of work?
This question was asking during our Open Referral UK launch event in June 2021.
To be honest there is little point a small voluntary group using Open Referral on their own unless they were collecting all service information in a particular area and willing to make it available for any application to consume.
It is more likely that they will be part of a Council or CCG or ICP or ICS implementation. The benefit of Open Referral is in aggregating data from many sources so that it is usable by many frontline applications across a particular area.
If a small voluntary group wanted to future proof themselves or try to engage with the sectors in their area/place then Digital Gaps would be happy to offer some pointers without any charge.
Perhaps Open Referral UK should have accredited consultancies as well as compliant suppliers.