Hi folks – welcome @MBiezunski to the group. Michel has experience developing tools in support of semantic interoperability among overlapping terminology value sets.
This is a topic that’s technically out of scope of HSDS, but very relevant to many members of our community: how do we cope with overlapping taxonomies, for instance?
Michel has offered to give a demo of his tool and discuss his experience. I’ve offered to help schedule and facilitate a call about this.
Who would be interested in participating? Chime in here and then i’ll start scheduling.
Thank you Greg for inviting me to this forum.
I am the co-inventor of Topic Maps (ISO 13250), a standard architecture for managing knowledge graphs. I have been providing services to the IRS for more than 15 years, helping their call center assistors to navigate across ~8000 topics, that were dynamically created and connected. The Networker is a tool that helps create and ingest data from a variety of sources, for example tables, and has a curation interface that allows end users to tweak the results to make information as precise as possible. The features are presented at https://networker.infoloom.com. I’d be glad to discuss whether this approach could be used to integrate and manage taxonomies.
Hi @sasha and @DrewW, great to meet you. I am looking forward to show a demo soon. Could you describe what you are working on and/or particularly interested in?
As Greg mentioned, we’re looking at how to do taxonomy mapping to align two similar term sets. So I’m using an open source service taxonomy (Open Eligibility) but many bigger providers use a subscription taxonomy (211 HSIS) which includes a lot more terms and details that overlap the simpler open source one. A strong taxonomy map would go far in being able to align information across platforms and identify data to share.