Resource Data Federation: let's discuss

We should make some time to talk about the challenges of resource data federation – by which I mean, enabling multiple directory maintainers to collaborate on data management across different information systems.

I think there are technical questions in here (like how to enable cooperation among people with different answers to questions like “what is a service?”) and also governance questions (like how to divide up responsibilities, incentives, conflict resolution etc) although the former might blur into the latter.

We certainly will need more than one conversation to really make progress, but maybe we could just start with a fishbowl discussion among people who have some experience. I’m happy to facilitate.

@klambacher has agreed to participate. I’m sure @skyleryoung will be interested. I also know of at least a couple of groups of people interested in pursuing this path who might not be here, but who I’d invite to listen in and bring questions.

NB: I want to wait for @MikeThacker to get back before picking a date because he’s asked for this for a while.

Who else is interested? What should be on our agenda? What questions would you want such a conversation to consider?

I’m definitely in. When is Mike back?