We are a Digital Gaps partner and have been involved in working with them to transform the LGA service finder demonstrator into an extended suite of useful tools for frontline workers. This has involved working with Placecube/Porism to consume their OR compliant API and present targeted services to end-users.
Additionally, we have been working alongside Digital Gaps/Porism in the recent OpenActive Enabling Social Prescribing research, leading to a pilot with Waltham Forest PCNs and London Sport to produce the first OR and OA Finder tool to surface service/activity data in a common user experience.
Digital Coproduction is focused on co-producing affordable products and services towards a healthier digital place. The public sector often suffers from a silo-based approach simply because the budget and power to deliver something is constrained within a function e.g. Education or Housing or Council Tax. We always start with the citizen issue and work backwards towards the public sector and believe this approach will unlock real value within our communities and services, whilst improving the lives of citizens.
We look forward to being part of this community as it develops over the coming months/years