Standing Technical Meetups

Key Actions and Takeaways from the Standing Technical Meetup 02-12-2025

UK Update & Validator Deployment

Validator Features & Considerations

  • Define Full vs Partial validation:
    • Partial: Subset of records, fields, or endpoints?
    • Consider developing a separate “sampler” tool for partial validation.
  • Determine whether to extend the UK validator or build a new one:
    • Skyler: .Net approach seems straightforward.
    • Matt: Distinguish between schema validation (compliance) and data quality checks.
    • Kate & Skyler: Formatting and completeness ≠ quality.
    • Mike: Define key quality aspects—validity, completeness (for a use case), and accuracy.


  • Partial vs Full: Sample vs entire dataset.
  • Basic vs Complete: Minimum validation vs complete spec/profile validation.
  • Spec Compliance vs Custom Quality: Schema validation vs quality checks.
  • Syntactic Correctness vs Truthing: Validation vs verification/provenance.
  • Schema vs Endpoint: What level is being validated?

User Feedback & Error Handling

  • Define minimum required feedback for users:
    • “Description of errors” and clear problem identification.
  • Routine validation with automated notifications?
  • Allow users to revalidate after fixing errors.

Validator Accessibility & Future Planning

  • Interest in downloading and running a validator locally (tabled until April).
  • Added to bike rack

Transformer proposal (Interest? Questions?)

  • Stimulated a conversation around the initiatives general approach to community tooling which could involve the following:
    • Encouragement: To promote innovation
    • Input: To ensure alignment
    • Endorsement: To support uptake

Metadata API Enhancements

  • Discussion in the forum thread developed into a proposal
  • Consider record-level metadata in the next subversion.
  • Define “Organization” as publisher and align with “Contact” schema.
  • Kate to work with us to further specify for longer term