Standing Technical Meetups

Hi all,

Proposed agenda items for the meeting next week:

  • UK Update: Update on UK Local government work including upgraded Validator & Dashboard and planned meeting.
  • Approving 3.1 proposals: Discuss the process for committee approval. Request from ODS to be in a position to begin implementation by close of business 25th September (at the latest), so that Matt has time to complete the work before heading off on 6 months parental leave. Related forum post.
  • Events: Discuss the Add and events schema proposal with a view to deferring this to a future upgrade. Related forum post.
  • New Channel: Access, usage and the purpose of the new Technical Committee channel and its relationship to the standard governance process.
  • Charter: Feedback on Greg’s proposed changes and moving towards approval.
  • Committee engagement: What does this look like going forwards (in practice) when it comes to processing new issue and remaining issues. Some thoughts from me in this issue #508 (the first created since we formalised the committee).

As always, feel free to suggest others.


Might we have a couple of minutes on “documenting profiles” please?