Hi all,
Apologies this is very last minute due to Xmas leave:
Backlog Review:
- Candidates for closure (Link to be added)
- Labelling and summarising ongoing
- Committee involvement required view has been created (for reference).
Suggested documentation updates - would these be useful?
UK Update:
- MT on leave
- Actions from last meeting:
- MT to link SY with appropriate UK contacts
- MT to setup a conversation between SY (and his CTO) and UK tech people regarding the international schema and validation needs
International community
- Any relevant updates on Australian / French engagement
- Plans to manage this within the forum?
Validator Use Cases
- Update on Sasha’s great work since the last meeting
- Any updates/progress on the questions raised at the last meeting:
- ‘Who are the users (can we categorise or sub-divide?)
- Are there meaningfully different types of users?’
Support Publisher information in the API
- KL has given her input in the form thread
- Agree next steps (if possible in Mike’s absence?)
Community survey
- Update on outreach plans.